At Hannun we cannot turn a blind eye to deforestation and its serious impact on the planet, which, in some cases, is permanent and irreversible. It is a reality that touches us very closely and that is why we have travelled to the Amazon to tell you first-hand what is happening there. We do it with the best person to investigate on the ground: Rubén Díez.
Illegal Logging,
the first Environmental Crime(1)
Alongside Lethal Crysis, we make our way through Earth’s largest rainforest to investigate the first environmental crime on a global scale that is causing the disappearance of the world’s unique and priceless primary forests: illegal logging.
As we delve deeper into the Amazon, we discover how the lack of control over the forests, corruption and greed among the involved parties, and the high demand for timber all combine to make this a global crime that brings in billions.
The third most profitable transnational crime
Globally, illegal logging is estimated to generate between
BETWEEN US$ 52.000 m AND US$ 157.000 m
Illegal logging
Where does the wood you buy come from?
50% - 90%of all forestry activities in tropical forests(3)
A chain of
Illegal logging extends through stages that include the processing of this timber and its marketing.(4)
In areas not authorised by the State.
In places close to roads or navigable rivers.
Transport to the sawmill
with forestry transport guides that falsify the origin of the wood, its species and quantity.
The sawmill declares that the timber comes from "local forests" or authorised areas and the logs are converted into sawn timber.
Bleaching of timber
Waybills are falsified, allowing illegal timber to be mixed with timber of legal origin.
distribution centres
Transport to distribution centres using again a false or duplicate waybill.
From the distribution centres it reaches the final consumer. It can be distributed in the local market or sent abroad.
What’s at stake
In 2020, forest destruction in Earth's largest rainforest has now increased for 13 consecutive months(5). However, the Amazon is a unique natural treasure and its loss goes far beyond deforestation.
Currently, the deforestation rate in the nine Amazonion countries continues to rise.(6)
It is time to change the consumption model
Every day we can unknowingly take part in the disappearance of the largest tropical forest in the world: the Amazon. We do this through the power we have as consumers, by choosing products that depend on the overexploitation of natural resources (a piece of furniture, for example).
Less is more
Our consumption is depleting the Earth's resources. Boycott the consumer society to save the planet: ask yourself if it is necessary to buy.
Ask for information, demand transparency
Do you know where the materials from which a product is made come from, and what is involved in obtaining them? Ignorance is not enough to tackle serious problems such as deforestation or labour exploitation.
Choose which side you are on
Only give a voice to those who deserve your trust. There are many people, teams and companies who do things "differently" to protect the planet.
Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental problems we face globally and awareness of the problem is part of the solution.
Want to know what else you can do to reduce deforestation, fight illegal logging, and protect the ecosystems on which life on earth depends?
Opt for more efficient uses of raw materials and encourage the use of reclaimed and recycled wood. In this way, we can keep more natural resources intact and reduce our footprint on the planet.
The FSC and PEFC seals are a guarantee of the sustainable origin of wood. These certificates are awarded to all participants in the production chain and ensure responsible forest management.
If we think in the long term when purchasing or designing a product, we can avoid waste and waste as little as possible; even more so if we choose to give it a new, reclaimed or recycled life.
(1) Nellemann, C., INTERPOL Environmental Crime Programme (eds). 2012. Green Carbon, Black Trade: Illegal Logging, Tax Fraud and Laundering in the Worlds Tropical Forests. A Rapid Response Assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, GRID- Arendal.
(2) Global Financial Integrity, Transnational Crime and the Developing World Channing May March 2017
(3) INTERPOL-World Bank, 2009.
(4) “Prevenir Amazonía”, USAID.
(5) Rhett Butler, MONGABAY.
(6) “The Big Green Lie”, BBC News.
(7) Global Forest Watch.