Finding out which products have been manufactured in a way that’s respectful of both the environment and society isn’t easy. Many companies claim to be sustainable, but it’s not enough to simply say so. Customers should demand complete transparency from companies and companies should respond to these demands. They need official accreditation and certification that their products are sustainable and respectful of the environment and society.

We’ve been given the FSC (FSC-C160897) seal, an international forestry certification system awarded by the Forest Stewardship Council that ensures companies selling products containing wood are not exploiting forests in an unsustainable manner. Founded in California in 1990, this seal is awarded only to companies that demonstrate sustainable management of raw material extraction in their entire production chain.
We have PEFC (PEFC license/14-35-00535-AEN) certification, the world’s most implemented forestry certification system, which accredits companies who extract their raw material from forests in the most responsible way possible. Products with PEFC certification guarantee customers that they’re buying products made with material from sustainably managed forests.
The manufacture of our products involves no animal cruelty whatsoever, nor do we use animal-derived materials such as leather or silk. We have Animal Free Cruelty certification, awarded by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal), the non-profit organisation that fights for animal rights at an international level.
And there’s more to come! We’re working towards BCorp certification, which demonstrates our total social and environmental commitment.